Valeska Muller Vocal Academy

Use this page to book your vocal lessons at VMVA!

What happens when you meet Valeska Muller for your very first vocal lesson?

After asking you a few questions about your goals and desires, and listening to you sing, you will receive a personalized vocal diagnosis so you know what is happening with your voice on a functional level. She will give you a clear explanation as to why the voice works like it does and what can be done to correct bad vocal habits and infuse healthy ones. You will receive a vocal workout designed to deal with these specific problems that will reprogram the muscle memory.

That is just the shortened explanation. A lot more goes into coaching and de-puzzling each person according to their individual needs.If you want to know more, you can ask her directly at your first vocal lesson.

Book your vocal lesson now to avoid disappointment and start doing what you love.

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    1. Hi Valeska.
      Jy kry die seker baie maar jy sal my seker onthou as die standard6 laaitie met die nek stut,toe jy nog saam my op skool was. Justin Kruger.
      Wou maar net sê baie trots op jou met al die goed waarmee jy besig is. Lekker dag

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